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The Ultimate Best Guide to Measure Head Size for Wigs 2021

Views: 620

It is essential to get the perfect fit to rock your wig with style, confidence, and ease. This is a crucial first step to buying a wig.

This guide will teach you how to measure the head of a wig. The best thing? It only takes a few moments to measure your head. In addition, those few minutes are well worth it when you invest in a high-quality wig.

There are many sizes of wigs, and they can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, this wig measurement guide will help you get a good starting point, especially if your wig has adjustable straps.

The right size combined with adjustability will give you the fit that you desire.

Measure Head Size for Wig

Make Sure You Have a Good Haircut

The head size usually determines the size of the cap. However, they do not slick their hair back. They also do not mould it. This is one of the most common errors people make.

Take the time to prepare for the measurement. This will help determine the appropriate wigs capsize.

Do you have lots of hair?

If that is the case, then pull them back in a ponytail. Then, braided them in whatever way you like. What happens if your hair is short? Finally, you can mould them using the appropriate material. You can now measure and determine the size you need.

Do you have the time and energy to do your hair properly for the measurement? You can then decide whether you want to part ways with it.

To make a middle part:

  1. Measure your hair from your top to your tailbone. The hair should be divided into two equal sections.
  2. Begin at the crown part of your head, and work your wand down to your neck.
  3. Measure the length of each component with the tape.

Measure the length of your hair from ear to eye:

  1. Make a horizontal cut at the top.
  2. Separate the hair's top and bottom sections.
  3. Measure your head with the tape.

How to Measure Your Head to Get the Right Wig Size

To determine the correct size wig for you, first measure your head. Measure your head six times, making sure you remove any hairs.

  •        Circumference
  •        Front hairline to nape
  •        Ear-to ear across the forehead at the hairline
  •        Wear your ears-to-ears over your top.
  •        Temple/to-temple behind your back
  •        Nape on the neck at the hairline in the back

This will help you to find the right size wig for you. As with clothing, each measurement refers to a part of the overall wig. Therefore, the fit of your unit will be better if the measurements are accurate.

All Steps

STEP 1. Pull your hair up away from the face and secure it with either a hairband (or clip). You can also use a cloth band to secure your hair if it is too short.

STEP 2. You will need a flexible tape measure to measure the distance between the tape and your scalp. First, place the tape at the back of your head, at the point where the wig will be ending. Next, pull the tape up just above your ears.

Finally, the tape should be placed at the midpoint of your front hairline. This will measure your head circumference—Takedown the measurement.

STEP 3. Place the tape end just above the one ear with a flexible tape measure. Move the tape along your head, stopping just above your other ear. Keep the tape measure in the same spot as your ear. This will measure the distance from your ear to your ear—Takedown the measurement.

STEP 4. If you do not want your hair to be up, go ahead and let it down. Position the tape at the center of your forehead using a flexible tape measure.

You can pull the tape measure slowly down to reach your nape. Take the tape measure and hold it in the exact spot where it meets the nape. This will allow you to measure your front and back distance. Make sure to write down your measurement.

STEP 5. Once you have measured your head, you can use the size chart numbers to find the right size wig cap for you.

To make the right size selections, you must consider your body's shape and your natural hair volume.

  • You may be small if you have a more petite body and a thick, medium-length head of hair. For thicker hair, increase the size.
  • If you have a medium-sized frame and full hair with moderate length, you are likely to drink the beverage. Take a larger size if your hair is longer and thicker. If your hair is thin, sparse, or thinning, you can downsize.
  • If you have a more oversized body frame and your head circumference exceeds 23 1/2", and you have total hair with moderate length, then you are likely significant. Go down if your hair is short, thin, or not at all.

Ear to Ear

Front to Back


Mini Petite
















Find the right size wig for you

Now comes the hard part: taking all measurements. Now, it is time for the measurements to be used on different sizes of wigs.

Wig manufacturers may use different sizes, but the general rule is that wig sizes are divided into the following:

The standard features of high-quality ready-to-wear wigs, including lace front and 360 lace, include adjustable straps and built-in hair combs. You can adjust your dimensions to get hair perfection, even if they do not exactly fit into these categories.

Everybody can benefit from custom wigs

You have the option of a lace front wig (or 360 lace) in various styles.

* Dyeing the lace

* Tie the knots

* Making lace cut

Feeling of being perfectly matched

The wig should sit on top of your natural hairline.

You can make a note about your preferred size (found on most wig caps). This will help you remember it the next time you order a wig. The correct size wig will look natural. This article can help you find the right size wig for your head.

Final Thoughts

The right thing to do wig size is crucial hope you are more confident in measuring a wig's size. It will affect how comfortable and how snug you feel. A wig that is too loose or uncomfortable will leave you feeling unattended and unloved. If you don't know where to choose wigs, visit our site and get synthetic hair wigs.

Let us get the wig size just right so we can feel as beautiful as our looks!

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