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Create Best Eyebrows in 3 Simple Steps

Views: 1270

Our eyebrows speak volumes about you. The key to all care is to enhance their natural shape and keep them well-groomed.

No matter what natural brow shape you have, thin, lush or etc., daily trimming is essential. For those with particularly thin brows or those who have lost them for various reasons, having perfect eyebrows seems impossible.

Don't worry, browse this quick guide to achieve the perfect brows in three simple steps whether you have them or not, thus impressing people and expressing your beauty.


Whether you have eyebrows or not, this is the time to take a few extra seconds to exfoliate the skin under your eyebrows before you do everything. Dead skin tends to build up under and around your eyebrows. Use your fingers to make gentle circles around both eyebrows and rinse off. If you have eyebrows, you can also use a moisturizer when you use it after exfoliating, as it will soften the eyebrows and prepare them for grooming.

Know the Shape of Your Eyebrows

You can either go to a salon and have your eyebrows trimmed by an esthetician or you can shape your eyebrows yourself.

If you are a novice, here are a few things to consider when shaping your eyebrows by yourself.

- First, comb your eyebrows straight through with a comb or brush so you can see where you may need to fill in. Start combing from the front of your eyebrows, near your nose, and work your way out to the sides. Skip this step if you don’t have eyebrows.

- Determine where your inner eyebrows start. This can be done by placing a ruler perpendicular to your face, aligning the outermost edge of your nose with the inner corner of your eye. Mark this area with a pencil so you know where your eyebrows should start. Your best eyebrows are usually aligned with the inner tear duct.

- Determine the arch of your eyebrows. This is usually slightly to the right of the center of your brow. Mark it with a pencil so you know where your eyebrows should be at their highest point.

- With the help of a ruler, mark where your eyebrows end. Use your ruler to draw a line from the bottom of your nose to the outer corner of your eye.

- Decide how thick you want your eyebrows to be and draw a line with your pencil below the fullest part of your eyebrows. You can use this line to determine the shape you want.

- Once you have marked the shape of your eyebrows, you are ready to remove the excess hair with your chosen waxing method. Waxing, tweezing and threading are the most common ways to maintain the shape of your eyebrows. If you don't have eyebrows, you can skip this step.

Keeping Your Eyebrows Fresh

Once you're happy with the overall look of your brows, here are the steps that can help you achieve perfect lashes.

With Eyebrows:

- Trim and tweeze

This is a quick way to keep your eyebrows looking neat and tidy. If they need a lot of trimming, follow the steps above to determine the best shape for your eyebrows and then trim them. A good tip is to shape your eyebrows after a shower when your follicles are more open and hairs come out more easily.

To keep your eyebrows in place, brush them upward with an eyebrow brush and trim any overgrown hairs with small scissors. For really irregular brows, consider investing in a clear mascara to keep your brows neat all day.

- Tint

This technique helps create a brow with depth. Choose from brow powder applied with a brow brush, or a tinted gel applied like mascara. Be careful when applying and following the natural direction of your eyebrows.

- Fill in

The idea here is to create the illusion of a single brow hair rather than a solid dark spot. Using a fine pencil of a color similar to your eyebrows, redraw the border on the inner 1/3 of each eyebrow. Draw slightly inside the hairline so it's not obvious. Using the same pencil, locate the bare spots and draw feathery strokes along your eyebrows. This is crucial to avoid looking like you have black specks on your eyebrows.

Without Eyebrows:

- Eyebrow Stickers are a kind of temporary stickers that have the perfect color and shape for you to have the best eyebrows. They can be used for everyone whether you have thin eyebrows or don’t have eyebrows. Besides, they are very easy to use and waterproof.

ARCHED BELLA-BROWN, Appearanz 4D Waterproof Eyebrow Tattoo, definitely can save you from that awkward moment in a lazy morning. Apply them within just 5 minutes and then you won’t need to worry your eyebrows in the following 5 days again.

arched bella brown

Don’t know eyebrow stickers before? Stuck on what kind of Eyebrow stickers to choose?

Also read: The Best Eyebrow Stickers Tutorial You Never Watch before

- Eyebrow wigs are made of fiber or real hair, which can be stuck onto your skin and your natural eyebrows by adhesives or wig glue. They are created for people who have no eyebrows. For people with alopecia, fake eyebrows are very helpful.

DARK BROWN ARCHED FAKE EYEBROWS are made up of real hair, completely handmade. They can be worn for up to one week without taking them off and re-applying, the most realistic-looking eyebrow products on the market.

eyebrow wigs

Also read: People Without Eyebrows Have Come to Their Rescue to know how to apply and remove eyebrow wigs.

Final Thoughts

Eyebrows can be a beautiful frame for your eyes if they are well kept. Therefore, invest a little time in creating them. It may take a little practice, but the results will be well worth it.

How do you shape your eyebrows? What kind of eyebrow shape do you like? Comment below and share your thoughts and feelings with us.

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